C Programming

                                                   C  Programming 

1 Introduction to Programming:
• Programs and Programming
• Types of software’s
• Types of Programming Languages
• Compiler, Interpreter
• Memory

• Algorithms
• Flowcharts

2 Fundamentals in C:
Introduction to ‘C’
• History of ‘C’
• Features of ‘C’
• A Simple C Program
• Character set
• Constants
• Variables
• Keywords
• Data Types
• Declaration of Variable
• Assigning Values to Variables
• Initialization of variable

•Basic Structure of a ‘C’ program

•Header File
• Printf()

• scanf()

•Format specifier

•Steps for executing C program

•Programming Examples

3 Operators and Expressions:
• Arithmetic operators
• Relational operators
• Logical operators
• Assignment operators
• Increment & decrement operators
• Conditional operator
• Bitwise operators
• Special operators
• Type Casting
• Sizeof Operator
• Operators Precedence and Associativity
• Evaluation of expressions
• Programming Examples

4 Control statements
• Conditional Control Statements
• if
• if-else
• nested if-else
• else-if ladder
• switch-case
• Loop Control Statements
• while
• do-while
• for
• Nested Loops
• Jump Control statements
• break
• continue
• goto
• exit
• return
• Programming Examples

5 Arrays
One dimensional arrays
• Declaration of 1D arrays
• Initialization of 1D arrays
• Accessing element of 1D arrays
• Reading and displaying elements
• Two dimensional arrays
• Declaration of 2D arrays
• Initialization of 2D arrays
• Accessing element of 2D arrays
• Reading and displaying elements
• Three dimensional arrays
• Programming Examples

6 Functions
• Concept of Functions
• Advantages of using functions

Types of functions

Function Declaration
• function Deffination
• function call
• Return statement

•Parameter passing Techniwues

•Call by value

•Call by address
• Local and global variables
• Recursion
• Command line arguments
• Creating user-defined header files
• Functions and Arrays
• Functions and Strings
• Programming Examples

7 Strings
• String Constants
• String Variables
• One Dimensional Character Arrays
• Declaration of 1D character Arrays
• Initialization of 1D character arrays
• Reading string
• Displaying string
• String Library Functions
• Array of Strings or Two Dimensional Array of Characters
• Programming Examples



8 Storage Classes
• auto
• static
• extern
• register
• Programming Examples

9 Structures, Unions, Enumerations and typedef
• Defining a Structure
• Declaration of Structure Variables
• Initialization of Structure Variables
• Accessing Structure Members
• Assignment of Structure Variables
• Storage of Structures in Memory
• Size of Structures
• Reading and Displaying Structure Variables
• Array of structures
• Arrays within structures
• Nested structures
• Structures and functions
• Passing Structure Members as Arguments
• Passing Structure Variable as Argument
• Returning a structure variable from function
• Unions
• enum keyword
• typedef keyword
• Bitfields
• Programming Examples

10 Pointers
• About Memory
• Pointer Operators
• Definition  of Pointer
• Advantages and Disadvantages of Pointers
• Declaration of Pointer Variables
• Assigning Address to Pointer Variables
• Dereferencing Pointer Variables
• Pointer to Pointer
• Void pointer
• Null pointer
• Pointer Arithmetic
• Pointer to an Array
• Pointers and 1D Arrays
• Pointes and 2D arrays
• Array of Pointers
• Passing Arrays to functions
• Pointers and Strings
• Pointers and Functions
• Using Pointers as Arguments
• Functions Returning Address
• Function Returning Pointers
• Pointer to a Function
• Pointer to Structures
• Pointers within Structures
• Self Referential Structures
• Dynamic Storage Allocation and deallocation
• Constant Pointers
• Programming Examples

11 Files
• Using files in C
• Working with text files
• Opening a File
• Closing A File

•Reading and writing on File
• File management I/O functions
• Text Files and Binary Files
• Random Access Files
• Programming Examples

12 Preprocessor Directives
• The #include Preprocessor Directive
• The #define Preprocessor Directive: Symbolic Constants
• The #define Preprocessor Directive: Macros
• Programming Examples

1. Class room notes
2. More than 500 programs covered in class room discussion
3. Topic wise Interview Questions (FAQ’s) discussion




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