
Full Stack JAVA
- Declarations and Access Control
- Identifiers & JavaBeans
- Legal Identifiers
- Sun's Java Code Conventions
- JavaBeans Standards
- Declare Classes
- Source File Declaration Rules
- Class Declarations and Modifiers
- Concrete Subclass
- Declaring an Interface
- Declaring Interface Constants
- Declare Class Members
- Access Modifiers
- Nonaccess Member Modifiers
- Constructor Declarations
- Variable Declarations
- Declaring Enums
- Object Orientation
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance, Is-A, Has-A
- Polymorphism
- Overridden Methods
- Overloaded Methods
- Reference Variable Casting
- Implementing an Interface
- Legal Return Types
- Return Type Declarations
- Returning a Value
- Constructors and Instantiation
- Default Constructor
- Overloaded Constructors
- Statics
- Static Variables and Methods
- Coupling and Cohesion
- Assignments
- Stack and Heap—Quick Review
- Literals, Assignments, and Variables
- Literal Values for All Primitive Types
- Assignment Operators
- Casting Primitives
- Using a Variable or Array Element That Is Uninitialized and Unassigned
- Local (Stack, Automatic) Primitives and Objects
- Passing Variables into Methods
- Passing Object Reference Variables
- Does Java Use Pass-By-Value Semantics?
- Passing Primitive Variables
- Array Declaration, Construction, and Initialization
- Declaring an Array
- Constructing an Array
- Initializing an Array
- Initialization Blocks
- Using Wrapper Classes and Boxing
- An Overview of the Wrapper Classes
- Creating Wrapper Objects
- Using Wrapper Conversion Utilities
- Autoboxing
- Overloading
- Garbage Collection
- Overview of Memory Management and Garbage Collection
- Overview of Java's Garbage Collector
- Writing Code That Explicitly Makes Objects Eligible for Garbage Collection
- Operators
- Java Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Relational Operators
- instanceof Comparison
- Arithmetic Operators
- Conditional Operator
- Logical Operators
- Flow Control, Exceptions
- if and switch Statements
- if-else Branching
- switch Statements
- Loops and Iterators
- Using while Loops
- Using do Loops
- Using for Loops
- Using break and continue
- Unlabeled Statements
- Labeled Statements
- Handling Exceptions
- Catching an Exception Using try and catch
- Using finally
- Propagating Uncaught Exceptions
- Defining Exceptions
- Exception Hierarchy
- Handling an Entire Class Hierarchy of Exceptions
- Exception Matching
- Exception Declaration and the Public Interface
- Rethrowing the Same Exception
- Common Exceptions and Errors
- Declarations and Access Control
- Strings, I/O, Formatting, and Parsing
- String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer
- The String Class
- Important Facts About Strings and Memory
- Important Methods in the String Class
- The StringBuffer and StringBuilder Classes
- Important Methods in the StringBuffer and StringBuilder Classes
- File Navigation and I/O
- Types of Streams
- The Byte-stream I/O hierarchy
- Character Stream Hierarchy
- RandomAccessFile class
- The java.io.Console Class
- Serialization
- Dates, Numbers, and Currency
- Working with Dates, Numbers, and Currencies
- Parsing, Tokenizing, and Formatting
- Locating Data via Pattern Matching
- Tokenizing
- Generics and Collections
- Overriding hashCode() and equals()
- Overriding equals()
- Overriding hashCode()
- Collections
- So What Do You Do with a Collection?
- List Interface
- Set Interface
- Map Interface
- Queue Interface
- Using the Collections Framework
- ArrayList Basics
- Autoboxing with Collections
- Sorting Collections and Arrays
- Navigating (Searching) TreeSets and TreeMaps
- Other Navigation Methods
- Backed Collections
- Generic Types
- Generics and Legacy Code
- Mixing Generic and Non-generic Collections
- Polymorphism and Generics
- Threads
- Defining, Instantiating, and Starting Threads
- Defining a Thread
- Instantiating a Thread
- Starting a Thread
- Thread States and Transitions
- Thread States
- Preventing Thread Execution
- Sleeping
- Thread Priorities and yield( )
- Synchronizing Code
- Synchronization and Locks
- Thread Deadlock
- Thread Interaction
- Using notifyAll( ) When Many Threads May Be Waiting
- Lambda Expressions
- Introduction
- Writing Lambda Expressions
- Functional Interfaces
- Types of Functional Interfaces
- Method reference
- Stream API
- Introduction
- Stream API with Collections
- Stream Operations
- Strings, I/O, Formatting, and Parsing
- Introduction
- The Relational Model
- What is PostgreSQL?
- PostgreSQL – Data Types
- Arrays Functions and Operators
- Understanding Basic PostgreSQL Syntax
- The Relational Model
- Basic SQL Commands - SELECT
- Basic SQL Commands - INSERT
- Basic SQL Commands - UPDATE
- Basic SQL Commands – DELETE
- Querying Data with the SELECT Statement
- Wildcards (%, _)
- The SELECT List
- SELECT List Wildcard (*)
- The FROM Clause
- How to Constrain the Result Set
- Arrays Functions and Operators
- array_append
- array_cat
- array_lower
- array_to_string
- array_agg
- every,Count,sum,avg
- Array Operators
- Filtering Results with the Where Clause
- WHERE Clause
- Boolean Operators
- The AND Keyword
- The OR Keyword
- Other Boolean Operators BETWEEN, LIKE, IN, IS, IS NOT
- Shaping Results with ORDER BY and GROUP BY
- Set Functions
- Set Function And Qualifiers
- HAVING clause
- Matching Different Data Tables with JOINs
- Table Aliases
- Natural Join
- Creating Database Tables
- NULL Values
- PostgreSQL Transactions
- PostgreSQL Constraints
3-JPA Using PostgreSQL
- Introduction
- Introduction & overview of data persistence
- Overview of ORM tools
- Understanding JPA
- JPA Specifications
- Entities
- Requirements for Entity Classes
- Persistent Fields and Properties in Entity Classes
- Persistent Fields
- Persistent Properties
- Using Collections in Entity Fields and Properties
- Validating Persistent Fields and Properties
- Primary Keys in Entities
- Managing Entities
- The EntityManager Interface
- Container-Managed Entity Managers
- Application-Managed Entity Managers
- Finding Entities Using the EntityManager
- Managing an Entity Instance's Lifecycle
- Persisting Entity Instances
- Removing Entity Instances
- Synchronizing Entity Data to the Database
- Persistence Units
- Querying Entities
- Java Persistence query language (JPQL)
- Criteria API
- Entity Relationships
- Direction in Entity Relationships
- Bidirectional Relationships
- Unidirectional Relationships
- Queries and Relationship Direction
- Cascade Operations and Relationships
4- Spring 5.0
- Spring Core
Spring Core Introduction / Overview
- Shortcomings of Java EE and the Need for Loose Coupling
- Managing Beans, The Spring Container, Inversion of Control
- The Factory Pattern
- Configuration Metadata - XML, @Component, Auto-Detecting Beans
- Dependencies and Dependency Injection (DI) with the BeanFactory
- Setter Injection
Spring Container
- The Spring Managed Bean Lifecycle
- Autowiring Dependencies
Dependency Injection
- Using the Application Context
- Constructor Injection
- Factory Methods
- Crucial Namespaces ‘p’ and ’c’
- Configuring Collections
Metadata / Configuration
- Annotation Configuration @Autowired, @Required, @Resource
- @Component, Component Scans. Component Filters
- Life Cycle Annotations
- Java Configuration, @Configuration, XML free configuration
- The Annotation Config Application Context
- Spring MVC
Introduction / Developing Web applications with Spring MVC
- The WebApplicationContext and the ContextLoaderListener
- Model View Controller
- Front Controller Pattern
- DispatcherServlet Configuration
- Controllers, RequestMapping
- Working with Forms
- Getting at the Request, @RequestParam, @RequestHeader
- ModelAndView
Advanced Techniques
- Spring form tags and Model Binding, @ModelAttribute
Spring Controllers
- Using @ResponseBody
- JSON and XML data exchange
RESTful Web Services
- Core REST concepts
- REST support in Spring 5.x
- Use Spring MVC to create RESTful Web services
- REST specific Annotations in Spring
- Working with RestTemplate
- URITemplates, @PathVariable, @RequestParam
- JSON and XML data exchange
- @RequestMapping
- Spring Boot
SPRING BOOT Introduction
- Spring Boot starters, CLI, Gradle plugin
- Application class
- @SpringBootApplication
- Dependency injection, component scans, Configuration
- Externalize your configuration using application.properties
- Context Root and Management ports
- Logging
Using Spring Boot
- Build Systems, Structuring Your Code, Configuration, Spring Beans and Dependency Injection, and more.
Spring Boot Essentials
- Application Development, Configuration, Embedded Servers, Data Access, and many more
- Common application properties
- Auto-configuration classes
- Spring Boot Dependencies
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Data JPA Intro & Overview
- Core Concepts, @RepositoryRestResource
- Defining Query methods
- Query Creation
- Using JPA Named Queries
- Defining Repository Interfaces
- Creating Repository instances
- JPA Repositories
- Persisting Entities
- Transactions
- Spring Data REST
- Introduction & Overview
- Adding Spring Data REST to a Spring Boot Project
- Configuring Spring Data REST
- Repository resources, Default Status Codes, Http methods
- Spring Data REST Associations
- Define Query methods
5-HTML 5, CSS 3 with Bootstrap, Javascript ES6
- HTML Basics
- Understand the structure of an HTML page.
- New Semantic Elements in HTML 5
- Learn to apply physical/logical character effects.
- Learn to manage document spacing.
- Tables
- Understand the structure of an HTML table.
- Learn to control table format like cell spanning, cell spacing, border
- List
- Numbered List
- Bulleted List
- Working with Links
- Understand the working of hyperlinks in web pages.
- Learn to create hyperlinks in web pages.
- Add hyperlinks to list items and table contents.
- Image Handling
- Understand the role of images in web pages
- Learn to add images to web pages
- Learn to use images as hyperlinks
- Frames
- Understand the need for frames in web pages.
- Learn to create and work with frames.
- HTML Forms for User Input
- Understand the role of forms in web pages
- Understand various HTML elements used in forms.
- Single line text field
- Text area
- Check box
- Radio buttons
- Password fields
- Pull-down menus
- File selector dialog box
- New Form Elements
- Understand the new HTML form elements such as date, number, range, email, search and datalist
- Understand audio, video, article tags
- Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets 3.0
- What CSS can do
- CSS Syntax
- Types of CSS
- Working with Text and Fonts
- Text Formatting
- Text Effects
- Fonts
- CSS Selectors
- Type Selector
- Universal Selector
- ID Selector
- Class selector
- Colors and Borders
- Background
- Multiple Background
- Colors RGB and RGBA
- HSL and HSLA
- Borders
- Rounded Corners
- Applying Shadows in border
- Implementing CSS3 in the "Real World"
- Modernizr
- HTML5 Shims
- SASS, and Other CSS Preprocessors
- CSS Grid Systems
- CSS Frameworks
- Introduction to Bootstrap
- Introduction
- Getting Started with Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Basics
- Bootstrap grid system
- Bootstrap Basic Components
- Bootstrap Components
- Page Header
- Breadcrumb
- Button Groups
- Dropdown
- Nav & Navbars
- JavaScript Essentials
- ES6
- Var, Let and Const keyword
- Arrow functions, default arguments
- Template Strings, String methods
- Object de-structuring
- Create,apply,prototype,bind method
- Spread and Rest operator
- Typescript Fundamentals
- Types & type assertions, Creating custom object types, function types
- Typescript OOPS - Classes, Interfaces, Constructor, etc
- Decorator & Spread Operator
- Difference == & ===
6- React JS
- Getting started with Node.js
- JavaScript Essentials
- How JavaScript works
- Event loop
- Stack, Heap and Queue
- Node.js Fundamentals
- Introduction to Node.js
- Why Node.js?
- Traditional Programming Limitations
- React Introduction
- Overview of frameworks, libraries for client side Web applications
- React introduction,
- Understanding “what” and “why” React
- React Component Demonstration using codepen
- Environment Setup for React Application
- Understanding NPM commands
- Using VS Code
- VS Code extensions for ES6, React(formatting and checkstyles)
- Helloworld app in React
- React Essential Features and Syntax
- React App Project Directory Structure
- Overview of Webpack, Babel
- React Component Basic
- Create React Component
- Understanding JSX
- Limitations of JSX
- Working with Components and Reusing Components
- React Components, Props and State
- Understanding and using Props and State
- Handling Events with methods
- Manipulating the State
- Two way data-binding
- Functional (Stateless) VS Class (Stateful) Components
- Parent – Child Communication
- Dynamically rendering contents
- Showing Lists, List and keys
- Styling Components
- CSS Styling
- Scoping Styles using Inline Styles
- Limitations of inline styes
- Inline Styles with Radium
- Google Material UI
- Installing Material UI
- Material UI AppBar
- Material UI's Toolbar
- Custom React NavBar CSS
- Material UI Buttons
- Using Material UI - Rendering a Button
- Material UI Card
- Material UI Checkbox
- Material UI Grid Component
- Material UI IconButton
- Material UI Paper Component
- Style Material UI Components with my own CSS
- UI Templates for Business
- Typography Usage
- Debugging React Apps
- Understanding React Error Messages
- Handling Logical Errors,
- Debugging React apps using google developer tools and React DevTool
- Understanding Error Boundaries
- React Component life cycle
- Updating life cycle hooks
- PureComponents
- React’s DOM Updating Strategy
- Returning adjacent elements
- Fragments
- React Component in Details
- Higher Order Components
- Passing unknown Props
- Validating Props
- Using References
- React Context API
- Updated LifeCycle hooks (16.3)
- Best practices for React Projects
- Demo apps
- HTTP Requests/Ajax Calls
- HTTP Requests in React
- Introduction of Axios package
- HTTP GET Request, fetching & transforming data
- Handing Errors
- Adding/Removing Interceptors
- Creating/Using Axios intances
- Redux
- React Thunk
- Difference between Thunk & other
- React hooks
- Application Using React & Redux
- React Routing
- Routing and SPAs
- Setting Up the Router Package
- react-router vs react-router-dom
- Preparing the Project For Routing
- Switching Between Pages, Routing-Related Props
- The "withRouter" HOC & Route Props
- Passing & extracting route/query parameters
- Using Switch to Load a Single Route
- Navigating Programmatically
- React Forms and Form Validation
- Creating a Custom Dynamic Input Component
- Setting Up a JS Config for the Form
- Dynamically Create Inputs based on JS Config
- Adding a Dropdown Component
- Handling User Input
- Handling Form Submission
- Adding Custom Form Validation
- Fixing a Common Validation
- Adding Validation Feedback
- Showing Error Messages
- Handling Overall Form Validity
- Deploying React App to the Web
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