Selenium Expert with Java

Selenium Expert

Core Java:
Basics of Programming:

  • Java Components – jvm, jre and jdk
  • Data Types and Variables.
  • Methods
  • Operators
  • Basic Programming
    1. Decision Statements
    2. Looping Statements

 OOPS in Java:

  • Members Of Class
  • Class and Object
  • Basic memory allocations and execution flow
  • Blocks
  • Constructors
  • Has-A and Is-A Relationship (Inheritance)
  • Constructor Chaining
  • this and super statement
  • Polymorphism
  • Overloading and Overriding
  • Type Casting
  • Abstraction
  • Abstract class and Interface
  • Generalization and Specialization
  • Access Specifiers
  • Encapsulation

Java Library:

  • Object Class
  • String Class
  • Wrapper Class
  • Java Bean Class
  • System Class and its members
  • Scanner class
  • Singleton Design pattern
  • Arrays
  • Programming on String and Arrays
  • Collection Frameworks
  • Exception Handling

File Programming

Selenium Tool

Introduction to Automation

  • What is Automation
  • Advantages & Disadvantage of Automation
  • When do we go for Automation

Introduction to Selenium

  • What is Selenium?
  • Languages & Platform  supported by Selenium

Basic Browser Handling

  • Launching Browser (Firefox,Chrome,IE,Safari…)
  • Handling Browser Navigation


  • What is locator?
  • Locator types(tagName,id,name,className,linkText,partialLinkText,css,xapth)


  • About Script Synchronization
  • Implicit wait
  • Explicit wait
  • FluentWait
  • Custom wait

Handling WebElement

  • Different ways to perform actions on elements
  • Using getters and setters for validation
  • Handling Multiple Elements

Handling Mouse events

  • Performing mouse hover action
  • Handling Drop down Menu
  • Performing Drag and Drop action

Handling ListBox

  • Selecting options using different methods
  • Handling Multi select list box
  • Sorting the content of list box
  • Searching the list box

Handling Popups

  • Introduction to types of popup
  • Techniques identify popup type
  • Handling new tab
  • Handling Alert window
  • Handling calendar window
  • Handling File Download window
  • Handling File Attachment window
  •  Handling authentication window
  • FrameWindow

Xpath technique 

  •  What is xpath
  • Types of Xpath
  • Xpath by attribute
  • Xpath by multiple attribute
  • Xpath by text() function
  • Xpath by contains() function
  • Xpath by siblings
  • Xpath vs CssSelector

Handling Dynamic tables

  • Xpath for Static web table
  • Xpath for Dynamic web table


Page Object Model

  • Introduction to Page Object Model
  • Handling Elements (declaration, initialization and utilization)
  • @FindBy (annotation)
  • Page Decoration using Page Factory
  • Advantages of POM


  • TestNG annotations
  • TestNG reporting
  • TestNG Assertion
  • TestNG suite
  • Parallel execution
  • Group execution
  • Parallel execution with Multiple browser
  • Cross browser testing
  • Parameter
  • Testing Listener with screenshot

Automation FrameWork

  • What is Automation Frame Work
  • Why Frame work
  • Types of  Frame work
  • Designing Frame work
  • Implementation of Frame Work
  • Execution of Frame Work

Automation Project

  • Implementing Frame work on Web Project
  • Automation workspace management using GIT hub
  • Challenges faced in Automation Project and Handling it

Automation Life Cycle

Source control tool

  • Introduction of Git
  •  Git vs GitHub
  • Git advantages
  • Git Architecture
  • Git PUSH & PULL , CLONE , COMMIT commands

Build testing Tool

  •  Introduction of MAVEN
  • Maven installation
  • Maven Dependencies
  • Maven Build life cycle
  • Maven framework structure
  • Advantages of Maven in Automation FrameWork

Continuous integration tools

  • Introduction of Jenkins
  • Jenkins  installation & configuration
  • Jenkins Job
  • Jenkins Schedule
  • POLL scm
  • Email notification








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